Scifed International Summit on Cardiology-2018
2nd International Congress and Expo on
Interventional Cardiology
Interventional cardiology is
a branch of cardiology that
deals specifically with the catheter based
treatment of structural heart diseases. Andreas Gruentzig is considered the father of interventional cardiology after the
development of angioplasty by interventional
radiologist Charles Dotter. Interventional cardiology is a non-surgical
option which uses a catheter (a small flexible tube) to repair damaged or
weakened vessels, narrowed arteries, or other affected parts of the heart
common conditions treated by interventional cardiology are: Coronary Artery Disease which means a narrowing
of the arteries which supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen, Heart Valve Diseases which occurs when
the valves which control blood flow into the heart’s chambers are not working
correctly and Peripheral Vascular Disease
which means your heart can also be affected by clogged or hardened veins and
arteries which are in other parts of your body.
The main advantages of using the interventional cardiology
approach are the avoidance of the scars and pain, and long post-operative
recovery. Additionally, interventional cardiology procedure of primary angioplasty
is now the gold standard of care for an acute myocardial infarction. It
involves the extraction of clots from occluded coronary arteries and deployment
of stents and balloons through a small hole made in a major artery, which has
given it the name "pin-hole surgery".
Cardiology-2018 is
anticipating participants from 40 and more countries across the globe and the
three day conference will provoke plenary sessions, Keynote speeches, Poster,
and Oral presentations. The Scientific Federation provides a platform to have
open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts
at Cardiology-2018.